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Co - Founder


¡Hola y'all!


My name is Karina Morales-Pineda, I am in my senior year of high school, and it is truly an honor to have you exploring our site. It is just me and Faith running The MIMS Project. I love to sketch and paint with any and every medium I get my hands on. I am about to skadaddle to college in which I hope to go into Pre-Law majors such as Criminal Justice and Psychology. At the very least, I want anything I create alongside Faith to challenge set ideals.


Have you ever looked at something so absurd and said for example: How the heck have we been off campus for half a year? Make it make sense. That is how I feel every time I take a look at the news or listen to bluntly racist individuals.


We are trying to make it make sense.



Much like my partner-in-crime Karina, I am in my senior year of high school and started my junior year project planning with a completely different idea in mind. As the year went on it gradually evolved but the biggest change came to both of us in quarantine. As the news highlighted the increasing civil unrest around the country Karina and I realized the intense need for easily accessible and understandable information catering to young people.


This blog seemed like the best idea to reach young people and get them involved with political and social justice issues. By offering easily digestible information in a way that makes it understandable for everyone, the barriers that often surround becoming active in these issues are removed

All About Us

What Sets Us Apart

Houston, we have a problem.

Our goal since we began making advocacy calls has always been the same: we want to contribute to change within social injustices in our community. The MIMS Project is just one step towards a long and tedious battle. (Permanent change of course is NOT just a phone call away.) But here is the issue of advocating when you are not able to vote, a student, or just don’t have the right resources: it is difficult and discouraging. We felt circulating information without action is simply not enough, so this is our approach to have more students like us advocate for others.


  • Provide individuals with all the Advocacy Resources, for them to take the extra step and make advocacy calls on The MIMS Project official website.

  • Train students with our Pilot Volunteering Program.

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