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Case Overview of JACOB BLAKE

What happen to Jacob Blake?

On August 23rd, 2020 Jacob Blake was at the home of Laquisha Booker celebrating the eight birthday of their son, where a dispute between Laquisha and a neighbor broke out. Laquisha made a call to 911 reporting the father of her children, Jacob Blake, 29, for stealing the keys of her rental car in efforts to leave with their children. The police arrived at the scene of the domestic dispute aware of a felony arrest warrant for Jacob Blake. Jacob Blake claimed the Kenosha police did not mention the arrest warrant or the reason for their arrival.

The entire attempted murder was recorded on a cellphone by a neighbor, who stood with other witnesses. However the moments leading up to Kenosha Police Officer Rusten Sheskey firing 7 shots at point-blank range to Jacob’s back, in front of his 3 children ages 3, 5 and 8 , still remain disputed. This is due to the fact police on the scene alongside Rusten Sheskey, claim Jacob Blake was turning his body with a knife on hand.

Jacob Blake later confirms he did in fact have a pocket knife, but never reached for it. The video demonstrates a physical altercation between Jacob Blake and the police, where they struggle on the floor after using a taser on Jacob. At this time Jacob’s pocket knife falls out. Jacob Blake then stands up, retrieves his pocket knife, walks away from the officers towards the car to check on his three children inside. With a gun drawn to Jacob’s back Officer Rusten Sheskey says to drop the knife multiple times.

In the commotion, screaming and disorientation after being tazed in the altercation Jacob Balke does not follow the officers order. Instead he opens the car door, in which Rusten Sheskey grabs Jacob Blake’s shirt, pulls it and shoots him seven times in the back.


Jacob Blake sustained many injuries, in “stomach, kidney, and liver; most of the small intestines and colon removed”, and is partially paralyzed from the waist down. Following the attempeted murder of Jacob Blake many protest and civil unrest occurred demanding for justice. On the protest of August 25, 17 year old domestic terrorist Kyle Rittenhouse illegally brought an AR-15 across state lines and murdered 2 protesters, Joseph Rosenbaum, 36 Anthony Huber, 26, and injured Gaige Grosskreutz, 26.

On April 13th 2021, Kenosha District Attorney Michael Graveley issued his decision to put NO charges against officer Rusten Shesky. At this time Police Chief Daniel Miskinis, also mentioned that Rusten Shesky was in fact back to work concluding his administrative leave, since March 31st. The Police Chief reports that Rusten Shesky will not receive any consequences for his actions.

Learn more here, here or watch here


# justiceforejacobblake

@ attorneycrump (lawyer)

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